- People who come to work sick, spreading their germs through the office. This one is particularly grating at the moment, because my boss (the one who says "if you're sick, you're sick, you shouldn't come to work") has just spent the better part of this week sharing his germs through the airconditioning system, and now I feel like crap.
- People who replace the word They've with the word There've - "there've been at the Gold Coast on holidays for a week". This is particularly annoying when it comes from a newsreader.
- People who replace the word number with the word amount. "A large amount of visitors to this year's EKKA will end up with the 'flu".
- Tailgaters
- People who buy brand new cars without checking that indicators have been fitted.
- Idiots who park trucks or LWB vehicles in car parks designated SMALL CARS ONLY.
- Parents with Prams parking spaces.
- Toll roads
- People who assume that because I am female, I can't possibly know anything about, or have a valid opinion on "boy stuff"... cars, football, cricket etc.
- Public transport - not per se, just when it's inefficient.
- The assumption that because I have a child I am, or have been, married. Because if not, then obviously I am a slut.
- Ex-smokers who say "if I can do it anyone can"! Yes Mum, but it took you 50 years to quit, that means I've got another 20 or so to work on it....